You Can Obtain Relief from Neck and Shoulder Pain
Does neck and shoulder pain hit you when you least expect it? Your shoulders and neck are made up of bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and many supporting structures such as tendons and ligaments. Often discomfort strikes as the result of strains, contusions, poor posture, or small, repetitive movements. Therapeutic massage can work on several levels to help you relax, lessen the pain, and allow you to regain neck and shoulder movement.
Massage works by kneading away muscle tension and painful spasms. The resulting increase in circulation flushes irritating waste products from your muscles and allows nutrients and oxygen to reach tense or injured areas. That promotes healing and reduces your discomfort. Therapeutic massage is a great support for other additional neck-and-shoulder therapies such as physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments, as well as general medical care.
Contact Evergreen Massage Therapy today to schedule your massage therapy session so you can find relief from neck and shoulder pain.